Frequently Asked Questions
We have listed answers to the most common questions parents ask. Contact us or refer to the Queen Creek Junior High School Family Handbook for clarification or to answer questions not addressed here.
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What are the school hours?
School begins promptly at 8:55 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. On early release days school ends at 1:45 p.m. To ensure the safety of our students, we do not allow students to arrive on campus before 8:30 a.m.
What is your absence and tardy policy?
We require parents to call or send a note to explain every absence or tardy. To report an absence or late students, please call the attendance line at (480) 987-4435 and leave a message.
Where do I pick my child up from school?
Pick up is on the south side of campus, at the gate nearest to the library.
What are the cafeteria prices, and how can I fund my child's account?
For the most current meal prices, please view our Child Nutrition page where you can find prices, menus, nutritional information, and more. Qualifying families may apply for reduced price lunches. Your child may pay for breakfast and lunch on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You may also choose to use Titan School Solutions to add money to your child’s account.
How do I check my child out of school early?
If your child must leave campus before the end of the school day, we require you to send a request with your child the morning of the requested dismissal. We ask that when possible, you plan medical and dental appointments for times outside of school hours. When picking up your child, please remain in the front office while waiting for him or her.
Does the school have a dress code?
We believe that wearing neat, clean clothing allows students to feel good about coming to school and learning. We prohibit students from wearing the following items:
- T-shirts displaying alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or any sexual connotations
- Fishnet shirts
- See-through items, bare midriff shirts, shirts with spaghetti straps, razor backs, or clothing that is backless or revealing
- Hats of any kind inside the building
- Sagging pants (They can cause injuries while playing on the playground, during P.E. and when boarding the bus.)
- Open-toed or dangerous footwear
We require students to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days. If necessary, we will contact parents for a change of clothing for students. Please refer to our family handbook for more information regarding our dress code.
What if my child needs to take medication during school hours?
If a student must take any form of medication at school, a parent or guardian must sign and return a medication consent form, which you may obtain from the health office. A parent or guardian must also bring in the medication needed; this includes over-the-counter medication. You must keep prescription medication in its original pharmacy container, and it should clearly state the student’s name, dosage amount, and administration times.
Does QCJHS prohibit any items?
We do not allow toys, trading cards, radios, CD players, iPods, cell phones, and any other type of electronic game. We will confiscate these items and keep them in the office until a parent comes to pick them up. We also do not allow students to chew gum on campus.
Does Queen Creek provide bus services?
Yes, we do. We require students to ride their own assigned bus and follow these guidelines:
- The bus driver is the authority on the bus.
- Students cannot bring animals, insects, or reptiles on the bus.
- We do not allow glass items, electronic games or devices, and firearms or weapons on the bus.
- Students must keep all body parts inside the bus at all times.
- Students must remain seated and conduct conversations in a quiet manner.
May I visit my child on campus?
We welcome volunteers and visitors on our campus. We are grateful for the many parents and community members willing to volunteer in support of the teachers and students in our classrooms.
For the safety of our students and staff, we require all visitors to check in at the office and obtain a visitor badge before proceeding onto the campus. Please make an appointment if you need to speak with your child’s teacher during the school day. We do not allow children from other schools to visit our campus. We also do not allow younger siblings to visit the classroom during school hours, including during class parties.
What is your discipline policy?
Queen Creek Junior High School disciplinary code is designed to ensure a safe and orderly environment that enables your child to benefit from instruction. Therefore, it is essential that:
- No student prevents a teacher from teaching his or her students.
- No student prevents or interferes with other students’ efforts to get an education.
- No student engages in activities that aren’t in his or her best interest or safety, or in the best interest and safety of others.
Please refer to our family handbook for more information regarding our disciplinary policy.